Error while displaying $ .post using $ .ajaxError

I would like to catch the ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error when I do $. post .

My jquery code $ .post:

        $.post( "parseRequest", { request: "myFile.xml" }, function( data ) {
            //do something with json data
        }, "json");


Sometimes, if the file does not exist, for example, the server sends an empty response. I will get this on the client side:

POST http://localhost:8081/parseRequest net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE 


Is there a way to catch this?

I tried using .ajaxError () but I am not using it correctly ... this is what I tried:

        $.post( "parseRequest", { request: "myFile.xml" }, function( data ) {
            //do something with json data
        }, "json").ajaxError(function() {
            console.log( "** Triggered ajaxError handler." );


But I am getting 'function undefined' error when I try to do this.

I am using jquery 1.11.1

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Any help? Thank!


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