Checking page numbers / ranges for printing

I am writing a regex to match a specific pattern that looks like this.

We are all familiar with the pattern we give when printing selected pages through a word document. i.e.

  • We can use comma and hyphen
  • no other special characters are allowed
  • must start and end with a number
  • Comma and hyphen are not allowed together, etc.

Valid values:

1, 3, 6-9
1-5, 5
6, 9


Invalid values:



I am using a pattern (([0-9]+)|(\\d.*[-,]\\d.*)+)

, but it doesn't work for all combinations of permutations.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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3 answers

You can use this regex in Java:

^(?!([ \d]*-){2})\d+(?: *[-,] *\d+)*$


Demo version of RegEx



The following regex will check that it is a comma-separated list of either a positive natural number or a range of a number (consisting of 2 positive natural numbers separated by a character -




In a string literal:



If you are wondering about *+

, this is the possessive version of the normal 0 or more quantifier *

. Basically, this reduces the return. This syntax is available in Java and PCRE, but omit +

in for languages ​​without support *+




A bit late, but here is a class from my library that I rewrote recently. Let's take an argument like "1,2,3-6,4-5" and print out a list of distinct integers [1,2,3,4,5,6]. There will be some open source library that will do this for you by now ... didn't look much, but since I already had the ok class.

package se.imagick.scrap;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class RangeParser {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String ranges = "1,2,3-6,4-5";
        List<Integer> rangeList = getDistinctNumbers(ranges);

    public static List<Integer> getDistinctNumbers(String ranges) {

                .map(s -> s.replace(" ", ""))
                .flatMap(range -> range.render().stream())

    private static class Range {
        private int start;
        private int stop;

        public Range(String rangeStr) {
            String[] rangeArray = rangeStr.split("-");
            int length = rangeArray.length;

            if (length < 1 || length > 2) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of arguments in a Range: " + length);

            start = Integer.parseInt(rangeArray[0]);
            stop = (length == 1) ? start : Integer.parseInt(rangeArray[1]);

            if (stop < start) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stop before start!");

        public List<Integer> render() {
            List<Integer> pageList = new ArrayList<>(stop - start + 1);
            for (Integer i = start; i < stop + 1; i++) {

            return pageList;




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