TRUNC is a multiple of 0.20833333333

I came from the world of SQL Server and asked to find out what was going on with part of the (ancient) Oracle script.

CAVEAT : I don't have access to the Oracle server, I just have a script that someone has emailed me and our copied data to the SQL Server.

I have no access to tasks that were moving data from Oracle to SQL Server. I'm pretty much in the dark - I have an Oracle script and (most) converted SQL Server tables.

I'm good at most of them using google, but I can't figure out in my entire life what it does:



I think I have interpreted the part decode

correctly equivalent:

case TRUNC((fin_time-start_time)/0.208333333333333)
when 0 then 1
when 1 then 2


But the TRUNC function is confusing me. endtime

and starttime

are times without a date (for example, 16:00:00

or 18:15:00

). Again, with no access or any experience with Oracle, I don't know if it means TIME datatype there, or if it's just DATETIME with default "datestamp" (for example 1900-01-01

). In any case, the date is either missing or irrelevant.

The documentation seems to suggest that TRUNC()

passed without a format parameter will simply split the time portion. But part of the time is whatever the column contains. So presumably the result 0

is divisible by 0.2083 ... I'm either totally wrong, or The Daily WTF is decent (or I suspect both).

Any ideas?

UPDATE . I think I have now correctly interpreted it as:

case floor(cast(dateadd(minute, DATEDIFF(minute, START_TIME, FIN_TIME), 0) as float) / 0.2083333333333)
when 0 then 1
when 1 then 2


It seems to return the expected values, but I think it's still WTF since values ​​other than 0 and 1 are returned if I misinterpret the behavior DECODE()

. I am guessing that for unclosed cases without a default parameter, it will return NULL

(how case



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1 answer

Subtracting two dates in Oracle returns a number that represents the number of days .


SELECT  TO_DATE('03.12.2004 13:00:00','DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') 
      - TO_DATE('03.12.2004 01:00:00','DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
from dual ;
Result: 0.5


This expression returns:

  • 0

    if the difference between fin_time

    and start_time

    is less than 5 hours,
  • 1

    if the difference is greater than or equal to 5 hours, but less than 10 hours,
  • null

    , otherwise.


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