Converting template function pointer to bool fails

Consider the code:

void fnc(int, long, double*){}
template<int I> void f(int, long, double*){}

int main()
    bool a = fnc;  //(1) ok
    bool b = f<4>;  //(2) error


It throws an error :

error: cannot resolve overloaded function 'f' based on conversion to type 'bool'
 bool b = f<4>  //(2) error


Why is the first case correct, but the second wrong?


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1 answer

You completely ignore all the warnings that should tell you that you are doing something very bad.
Also, you must use &

a function to get the address.

Second, you are implicitly casting a pointer to a variable bool

Throw this explicitly to tell the compiler that you think you know what you are doing and you are sure of it:

   bool b= (void*)&ff<4>;  


I just have to say that casting to avoid mistakes and warnings is a bad idea.
In most cases, warnings and errors help you avoid data loss and things that usually cause runtime errors.



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