Button to refresh the page every second / minute, etc.?

I want a button that, when clicked, will refresh the current page after a certain time.

I currently have:

<script type="text/javascript">
  setTimeout(function reload(){
    location = ''

<button onclick="reload()">Reload</button>


However, JUST reloads the page without even pressing a button. I want a button to execute the script as well as a button to stop the page reloading.

It should be very simple, but I can't figure out :(

****** EDIT **********

I would also like the script to run in an infinite loop after the button is pressed.


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4 answers

Yours setTimeout

is called on page load. You have to put it in a function reload()


function reload() {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 1000);


To make the timer start every x seconds and reload only part of the page, you will need to use setInterval

an AJAX request too, something like this:

var timer;
function reload() {
    timer = setInterval(function() {
        $.post('foo.html', function(data) {
    }, 1000);

function clear() {




This should do the trick

<script type="text/javascript">
  function reload(){
    setTimeout(function(){location.reload()}, 3000);

<button onclick="reload()">Reload</button>




What you wrote

window.setTimeout("location = ''"; ,1000);


You said you would execute this function in 1 second. You need to define setTimeout inside the function. There is also a built-in method to reload the page. Call this instead of giving the location on an empty line.

function reload() {
    setTimeout( function() {


Now, to cancel the timeout, you need to use clearTimeout(timeoutId)

; You get the timeoutId from an integer that setTimeout returns when you call it.

var timer = null;
function reload() {
    timer = window.setTimeout( function() {

function cancelReload() {
    if (timer)  {
    timer = null;


And you said you wanted him to keep working. This will require cookies or localstorage.

var timer = null;
function reload() {
    localStorage.reload = true;  //set localstorage so we know to fire it off again
    timer = window.setTimeout( function() {

function cancelReload() {
    if (timer)  {
    timer = null;
   localStorage.removeItem("reload");  //remove the key in localstorage

if (localstorage.reload) {  //check localstorage to see if key is set




You need to wrap the whole thing in another function and call this on a button click



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