Culture in web API not used by FluentValidation

I have a web API and in global.asax I set the culture like this:

protected void Application_PostAuthenticateRequest()
  var culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("nl-BE");
  Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;
  Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = culture;


I added Fluent Validation for .NET nuget and so in bin folder I have /nl/FluentValidation.resources.dll.

Next, I have a validator like:

public class AddWeightCommandValidator : AbstractValidator<AddWeightCommand>
    public AddWeightCommandValidator()
        RuleFor(command => command.PatientId).GreaterThan(0);
        RuleFor(command => command.WeightValue).InclusiveBetween(20, 200);                       


And this is called from my command like:

new AddWeightCommandValidator().ValidateAndThrow(request);


The problem is that the validation messages are still in English, not Dutch.

If I debug, right before the validator is called, the culture is correctly set to CurrentUICulture and CurrentCulture.

Does anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong?


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1 answer

Thanks to Stijn's tip, I started looking at how I can use my own resources for Fluent Validation, and that's how I did it.

The culture is set in global.asax, and the resource provider type for Fluent Validation is set based on that culture:

protected void Application_PostAuthenticateRequest()
    // Set culture
    var culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("nl-BE");
    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;
    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = culture;

    // Set Fluent Validation resource based on culture
    switch (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.ToString())
        case "nl-BE":
            ValidatorOptions.ResourceProviderType = typeof(Prim.Mgp.Infrastructure.Resources.nl_BE);


Fluent Validation will then look for translations in the corresponding resource file.

Resource files are located in a separate project. Here all Fluent Validation keys are defined, like inclusivebetween_error etc. In addition, various properties are defined here, such as WeightValue.

Finally, the WithLocalizedName validator is used to localize property names:

RuleFor(command => command.WeightValue).InclusiveBetween(20, 200).WithLocalizedName(() => Prim.Mgp.Infrastructure.Resources.nl_BE.WeightValue);       




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