Looking for objects that implement an interface from a loaded assembly - how to compare types?

I have a class that will load all assemblies into a directory and then get all types that see if they implement the interface. I can't seem to get the type comparison to work. In the debugger, I can see that my type is loaded (the one I'm interested in) if the comparison always fails. If I use the same comparison code locally, no problem, I get the expected result. I could just compare sting to type interfaces, but I would rather know what I am doing wrong.


    // Fails
    public void FindISerialPortTest()
        var path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
        var results = FindImplementers.GetInterfaceImplementor<ISerialPort>(path);

    public void DoesTypeImplementInterfaceTest()
        var myType = typeof(SerialPortWrapper);
        var myInterface = typeof(ISerialPort);
        FindImplementers.DoesTypeImplementInterface(myType, myInterface).Should().Be(true);




    public class FindImplementers

    public static T[] GetInterfaceImplementor<T>(string directory)
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(directory)) { return null; } //sanity check

        DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(directory);
        if (!info.Exists) { return null; } //make sure directory exists

        var implementors = new List<T>();

        foreach (FileInfo file in info.GetFiles("*.dll")) //loop through all dll files in directory
            Assembly currentAssembly = null;
            Type[] types = null;
                //using Reflection, load Assembly into memory from disk
                currentAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile(file.FullName);
                types = currentAssembly.GetTypes();
            catch (Exception ex)
                //ignore errors

            foreach (Type type in types)
                if (!DoesTypeImplementInterface(type, typeof(T)))
                //Create instance of class that implements T and cast it to type
                var plugin = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
        return implementors.ToArray();

    public static bool DoesTypeImplementInterface(Type type, Type interfaceType)
        return (type != interfaceType && interfaceType.IsAssignableFrom(type));




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1 answer

OK - this gave me the answer: invalidcastexception-when-using-assembly-loadfile

Here's the updated class:

public class PluginLoader
    public static T[] GetInterfaceImplementor<T>(string directory)
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(directory)) { return null; } //sanity check

        DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(directory);
        if (!info.Exists) { return null; } //make sure directory exists

        var implementors = new List<T>();

        foreach (FileInfo file in info.GetFiles("*.dll")) //loop through all dll files in directory
            Assembly currentAssembly = null;
                var name = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(file.FullName);
                currentAssembly = Assembly.Load(name);
            catch (Exception ex)

                .Where(t => t != typeof(T) && typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(t))
                .ForEach(x => implementors.Add((T)Activator.CreateInstance(x)));
        return implementors.ToArray();




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