Add hash for url in Laravel using pagination

My route:

Route::get('/app/search', ['as' => 'search', 'uses' => 'AppController@getSearch']);


My controller:

public function getSearch()
    $searchTerm = Input::get('s');
    $locs = Loc::whereRaw('match(title, description) against(? in boolean mode)', [$searchTerm])
    $locs->appends(['s' => $searchTerm]);
    $this->layout->with('title', 'Search: ' . $searchTerm);
    $this->layout->main = View::make('home')
        ->nest('content', 'index', ($locs->isEmpty()) ? ['notFound' => true] : compact('locs'));


I get the url: ""

I would like to get: "" to go directly to the result item.

I tried using $locs->fragment('result')->links();

both in controller and view, but nothing changed.

People are asking for more information to show where the url is generated, but the problem is I don't know that. Neither Route, nor Controller, nor View responds to this.

What's strange is that I can't figure out how the url is generated, I thought that:

$locs->appends(['s' => $searchTerm]);

responsible for this, but even if I remove this line nothing changes in the url. So I'm really stuck on this, the laravel docs doesn't help and I can't find any docs or help on the internet.


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