XAML equivalent of the HTML head attribute

I am developing a small C # WPF application and I would like to know if there is any equivalent of the html title attribute in the xaml so that when the mouse hovers over a button or element it displays a short text to help the user know what he is doing this button?

If it doesn't exist, how do you implement it?


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1 answer

The clues do exist. Below is an example of a complex prompt.

<TextBox HorizontalAlignment="Left">TextBox with ToolTip
    <TextBlock>Useful information goes here.</TextBlock>


Taken from ToolTip Class .

A simple text prompt can be done like this:

<TextBox HorizontalAlignment="Left" 
         ToolTip="Useful information goes here.">TextBox with ToolTip</TextBox>


This should work for almost any WPF control.



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