IPhone 6 not showing full layout

In my iOS app using storyboards and auto-routing but not size classes, when I run the app in the simulator, everything is set up the same as in Auto Layout, but when I place it on an iPhone 6, it works on an iPhone 5S with scaling to fit the screen like it doesn't know the app supports auto-layout and will scale to fit the screen.

The Xcode project has a 7.0 deployment target compiled with Xcode 6 in case that matters. The iPhone 6 also runs in standard scaling mode, so any native Apple apps run at full resolution without scaling.

Does anyone know how I can fix this so that my app does full permission too?


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1 answer

After finding the right search terms (and now understand what @nyekimov's comment means), it looks like you need to provide a launch image for iPhone 6 (+) in one way or another.

The easiest way is to add a launcher screen file (under the app icons and launches of images on the app landing page) as this could be your main storyboard.

Another option seems to add iPhone 6 images (+) to your launcher screen asset directory (as @nyekimov pointed out). You can add them in the sidebar by checking the boxes in the "iOS 8.0 and later" section: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i053lkwn5a9u61s/Screenshot%202014-09-21%2011.03.55.png?dl = 0

I found both of these answers on How to enable native permission for apps on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?



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