How to dynamically load ember components by name into a template?

My question is basically the same as on this answer , but I can't seem to get the code to work with ember 1.7.0 and ember-cli.

I have a property widget

in my model and in my template I want to have something like:

{{#each question in questions}}
{{#with question}}
  {{render-component widget params=params}}


And a model of the question that looks like this:

{ id: 6,
  title: "Is this a yes/no situation?",
  help_text: 'Pick an option',
  widget: 'yes-no',
    yes: {
      text: 'You picked yes',
      class: 'success'
    no: {
      text: 'Be careful, you picked no',
      class: 'danger'


I have created a helper render-component

that contains the following:

import Ember from 'ember';

function renderComponent(componentPath, options) {
  console.log('inside helper with comp=' + componentPath + ', opts=' + options);
  var component = Ember.Handlebars.get(this, componentPath, options);
  var helper = Ember.Handlebars.resolveHelper(, component);
  return, options);

export {

export default Ember.Handlebars.makeBoundHelper(renderComponent);


But it doesn't work. component

- undefined. The API docs for Ember.Handlebars.get don't really help explain what a parameter is options

. Also, there is no mention of the method in the docs resolveHelper

, so I don't know if the code is outdated anyway.

How to load components by name from a variable?


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3 answers

OK, so this should be:



import Ember from 'ember';

function renderComponent(componentPath, options) {
  console.log('inside helper with comp=' + componentPath + ', opts=' + options);
  var helper = Ember.Handlebars.resolveHelper(, componentPath);
  return, options);

export {

export default Ember.Handlebars.makeBoundHelper(renderComponent);


Use with:

{{render-component widget params=params}}




This question is outdated. Ember includes a built-in dynamic helper component and has been around for a long time.



Another implementation for the render component which you can find here

Resolves name and argument pass / parametrs from dynamic properties



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