How to make the default variable less sass-like! Default tag

I have a file global.less

that calls a file variables.less

and then a file component.less


I want to be able to set default variables inside the component file and be able to override them in the variables file.

But the component file appears after the smaller file, so the component variables by default will override the variables set in the file variables.less


Is there any option in Less that I can use like the Sass !default



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1 answer

The solution mentioned in @ seven-phase-max is to move the variables.less file after my components file. eg.


  • global.less - main less file
  • variables.less - contains all variables
  • component.less - contains fewer code variables and by default

Inside the global.less file, call the two files in the following order

@import "component.less";
@import "variables.less";


Inside the component.less file you can have a default variable @color: red

and the following css

body {
  background-color: @color


If you compile the previous code, the body will have a red background color - as it used the default variable in the component file.

Inside the variables.less file, you can override the variable @color: blue

Now when fewer files are compiled, the background color of the body tag will be blue instead of red - overriding a variable @color

within a file variables.less

overrides the default variable @color

in the filecomponents.less



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