What should I do in my C # program to determine the correct OS version for Windows 8.1 using .NET Framework 3.5?

My C # program targeting the .NET Framework 3.5 cannot find the correct version for Windows 8.1: 6.2.9200 is returned when 6.3.9600 is correct.

Console.WriteLine(System.Environment.OSVersion.Version); // prints out 6.2.9200


I found this thread What is Windows 8.1 OS version? which mentions a link that is currently broken.

What should I do with the program to get the correct value?


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1 answer

Add app manifest (right click on executable project -> add -> new item ... -> find app manifest file) and uncomment items under compatibility


  <compatibility xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:compatibility.v1">
      <supportedOS Id="{e2011457-1546-43c5-a5fe-008deee3d3f0}"/>
      <supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-a2440225f93a}"/>
      <supportedOS Id="{4a2f28e3-53b9-4441-ba9c-d69d4a4a6e38}"/>
      <supportedOS Id="{1f676c76-80e1-4239-95bb-83d0f6d0da78}"/>




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