Guava's BiMap cache capabilities?
I have a simple mapping table in a database that maps integer keys to specific values. Once I insert the values into the table, they never go away. I would like to use GuavaCache
so that these keys can be looked up once and then stored in memory. Looks like Guava Cache
will let me do this easily. However, I need to match both paths, from key to value and from value to key, for example BiMap
Is there an easy way to get the BiMap
functionality using Cache
, or will I have to roll my own solution?
Is there an implementation BiMap
that allows concurrent access, or will I have to use read / write locks if I want efficient multithreaded access?
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Is there an easy way to get the BiMap functionality using the cache, or would I need to roll my own solution?
There Maps.synchronizedBiMap
, but I don't think this is a good starting point, as adding all the features Cache
is probably much more difficult than adding Bi
to Cache
It's also just syncronized rather than simultaneously.
Is there a BiMap implementation that allows concurrent access,
or do I have to use read and write locks if I want efficient multithreaded access?
I guess it depends on how much of the functionality BiMap
you need. BiMap
allows you
- before
in both directions - to keep bijectivity either through
or throughput
, throwing an exception on conflicts
If you are sure that conflicts will never happen, it is not that difficult. Maybe all you need is to link the two caches like I did here .
AFAIK to preserve bijectivity, you will need locks. If the recordings are not very common, then you do it quickly with one ReadWriteLock
. Otherwise....
You can try to use Striped
for maximum concurrency, but I am afraid it is too complicated as you will need to block the lane based on key and value. And also by the previous value in the case forcePut
Whenever I used BiMap
, later figured out that I really need to get something in more than two different ways (some secondary key) or I need to get more information. So I converted it to two or three cards in the class like
void put(K1 k1, K2 k2, E extraInfo) {
MyEntry<K1, K2, E> e = new MyEntry<>(k1, k2, extraInfo);
firstMap.put(k1, e);
secondMap.put(k2, e);
MyEntry<K1, K2, E> getByFirstKey(K1 k1);
MyEntry<K1, K2, E> getBySecondKey(K2 k2);
This is a bit hacky but simple and maybe applies to your cache as well.
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