Python: A, b = 1,2 and a = 1; b = 2 are strictly equivalent?

I am puzzled by the following:

It works:

a, b = 1071, 1029
while(a%b != 0):
    a, b = b, a%b


But the following snippet returns a ZeroDivisionError :

a, b = 1071, 1029
while(a%b != 0):
    a = b; b = a%b


while I expected both to be strictly equivalent.

Can anyone tell us about this please?


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1 answer

Not. IN

a, b = b, a%b


the right-hand side is first evaluated into a tuple, so it is a%b

evaluated using the original value a

. On the contrary,

a = b; b = a%b



computed after a

, assigned a value b

, assigning a different result b




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