Java 2D game animation issue

I am working on a swimming animation. When the player collides with waterTile

, the float animation does not play when the player goes left (lt), and when the player goes right (rt), the up animation plays.

Here is the Render method from


if (isSwimming){
        if (up) {
            swimUp.render(g, x, y, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE);
        if (dn){
            swimDown.render(g, x, y, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE);
        if (rt){
            swimRight.render(g, x, y, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE);
        if (lt){
            swimLeft.render(g, x, y, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE);
 if (!isSwimming){
            upAnimation.render(g, x, y, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE);
        if (dn){
            downAnimation.render(g, x, y, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE);
        if (rt){
            rightAnimation.render(g, x, y, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE);
        if (lt){
            leftAnimation.render(g, x, y, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE);
        } else
            idle.render(g, x, y, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE, Game.TILESIZE * Game.SCALE);



Also, it might be worth noting that no errors are displayed.


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