How to load jquery dialog in wordpress using wp_enqueue_script?

how can i load jquery dialog after page load? I mean, I don't want to load it every time I refresh the page.

I know it has to do with cookies.

here is my dialogue

var $j = jQuery.noConflict();



      $j('#west').dialog({show: 'slow', modal: true, height: 600, width: 850, title: 'Price Comparison Popup', resizable: false, draggable: false});        




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1 answer

I'm not sure I fully understand your questions, but if you just want to add a jquery-ui script to your code, use something like:

//assuming you are working on a plugin
$plugin_url = plugins_url('myPlugin');
//register and enqueue the script
wp_register_script("jquery-dialog", $plugin_url . '/js/jquery.dialog.js', 'jquery');


This will include the script and make sure it is loaded after the jQuery version in Wordpress.



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