Change the default product limit for New Products Magento module

As I understand it, by default Magento module "New Products" (new.phtml) displays the last 8 products listed. How can you change the default and possibly remove the limit altogether (yes, that would completely change the behavior of the New Products module, I understand)?



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2 answers

the "New Products" block ( Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_New

) has a method setProductsCount($count)

. You can set the number you want.

If you add this block using layout you can set $ count value like this

<block type="catalog/product_new" .....>
<action method="setProductsCount"><count>100</count></action></code>


This number will be used as the "PageSize Filter" in the function _getProductCollection()




One solution could be to add a dashboard and limit the limit on the Pager as mentioned here , or use setProductsCount ($ count) for a collection of products

The second could be overriding the class Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_New

and removing ->setPageSize($this->getProductsCount()) ->setCurPage(1)




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