Implementing a linked list in Kotlin

I recently started learning Kotlin, so I decided to implement some data structures in it. So, I tried implementing a singly linked list:

package datastructures

public class LinkedList {
    private data class Node(var nodeValue: Int, var next: Node? = null)
    private var head: Node? = null

    fun insert(n: Int) {
        if(head == null) head = Node(n)
        else {
            var cur = head
            while(cur?.next != null) {
                cur = cur?.next
            cur?.next = Node(n)

    fun print() {
        var cur = head
        while(cur != null) {
            print("${cur.nodeValue} ")
            cur = cur?.next


fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val n = LinkedList()


and I got the following error:

Error:(22, 13) Kotlin: [Internal Error] org.jetbrains.jet.codegen.CompilationException: Back-end (JVM) Internal error: cannot store to value org.jetbrains.jet.codegen.StackValue$OnStack@a0a447f
Cause: cannot store to value org.jetbrains.jet.codegen.StackValue$OnStack@a0a447f
File being compiled and position: (22,13) in C:/Users/Khaled/IdeaProjects/Kotlin/src/LinkedList.kt
PsiElement: cur?.next = Node(n)
The root cause was thrown at:
    at org.jetbrains.jet.codegen.ExpressionCodegen.genQualified(
    at org.jetbrains.jet.codegen.ExpressionCodegen.genStatement(
    at ...


I've searched here and on google but can't figure out what is the problem causing this error.

Edit: So I tried to re-implement the function insert

and use requireNotNull()

to avoid the compiler about null safety.

Here is the code and now it works:

fun insert(n: Int) {
    if (head == null) head = Node(n)
    else {
        var cur = head!!
        while ( != null) {
            cur =!!
        } = Node(n)



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1 answer

I think the problem lies in this line:

cur?.next = Node(n)


The problem is, the compiler doesn't know what to do if cur

- null

. This currently results in an internal error, but this may be supported in a future release.

Currently, the best solution is to rewrite the code in such a way that the compiler can check that cur

never null

. The problem is that the compiler assumes that fields declared as var

can change at any time, so their values โ€‹โ€‹must be loaded into local variables before checking for null


var cur = head
if(cur == null) head = Node(n)
else {
    var next =
    while(next != null) {
        cur = next
        next =
    } = Node(n)




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