How do I wait for a spawned thread to finish in python?

I am a newbie with threads in python. I need help on how I should: - create a thread - do useful work - wait for the thread to finish - do useful work

I'm not sure how safe I am creating a thread. You may need help with this.

import threading

def my_thread(self):
    #wait for the server to respond..
    # I want to rung this method aside from my main task

def main():
    a = threading.thread(target = my_thread)

    # do some useful stuff here.....
    # i.e opening a file and reading a file 

    # now I want to wait for my_thread to finish
    # HOW DO I WAIT FOR my_thread to finish????????

    # do some useful stuff here.....



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1 answer

You can use Thread.join

. Several lines from the docs.

Wait for the thread to finish. This blocks the calling thread until the thread whose join () method completes - either normally or through an unhandled exception - or until an additional timeout occurs.

For your example, it would look similar.

def main():
    a = threading.thread(target = my_thread)




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