Is it possible to register the names of function labels and clause expressions?

I want to be able to record function names and clause names when doing some automated tests. This will help with debugging test problems when using a mute browser for automation, phantomjs in particular. The reason is that phantomjs does not always behave the same as when using Chrome WebDriver. It would be nice if it was possible.

def "Login logout test"(){
    given: "Go to login page"

    when: "Submit username and password"
    then: "Dashboard page displayed"

    when: "logout"
    then: "Returned to login page"


For example, it would be great if I could use the pattern recognition method above to write these marks like this.

Login logout test
Go to login page
Submit username and password
Returned to login page



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5 answers

Step1: Create Your Own Class Extender

package com.example.spock.exetension;
public class MySpockExtension implements IGlobalExtension {
    public void start() {

    public void visitSpec(SpecInfo spec) {
        spec.addListener(new MyCustomSpockRunListener());

    public void stop() {



Step 2: Create a RunListener that can listen for scrolling

package com.example.spock.exetension;
public class MyCustomSpockRunListener extends AbstractRunListener {

    private boolean specFailed;
    private boolean featureFailed;
    public void beforeSpec(SpecInfo spec) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        specFailed = false;
    public void beforeFeature(FeatureInfo feature) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        featureFailed = false;
    public void beforeIteration(IterationInfo iteration) {

    public void afterIteration(IterationInfo iteration) {
    public void afterFeature(FeatureInfo feature) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        for ( BlockInfo block : feature.getBlocks() ) {
            System.out.println(block.getKind().name() + " : " + block.getTexts() ); 
    public void afterSpec(SpecInfo spec) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        System.out.println(spec.getName() + " : STATUS : " + specFailed != null ? "failure":"success");

    public void error(ErrorInfo error) {
        specFailed = true;
        FeatureInfo feature = error.getMethod().getFeature();
        if (feature != null) {
            featureFailed = true;
            System.out.println(error.getMethod().getName() + " : " + error.getException());
        }else {
    public void specSkipped(SpecInfo spec) {
    public void featureSkipped(FeatureInfo feature) {


Step 3: Register New Spock Extension

  • In your classpath or resource path create the following folder structure META-INF/services/org.spockframework.runtime.extension.IGlobalExtension

  • Have this as file content com.example.spock.exetension.MySpockExtension

Step 4: Run the Spock test and you should see output something like this.

given: "Go to login page"
when: "Submit username and password"
then: "Dashboard page displayed"
when: "logout"
then: "Returned to login page"
Login logout test : STATUS : success




PiggyBacking at @Raghu Kirans replied, I had to do a little more to get this to work the way I wanted with Data Driven tests. In the BeforeIteration method of your RunListener, I did the following:

public void beforeIteration(IterationInfo iteration) {
            .map(feature -> iteration.getFeature())
            .ifPresent( blocks -> blocks.forEach(
                    blockInfo -> + " : " + blockInfo.getTexts())));


This just prints out everything before each iteration. Also note that getKind (). The Name () on the BlockInfo object does not print out the given when and then the spook block in our test, instead it prints out SETUP, WHEN, THEN and WHERE instead. getTexts () will print the combined block texts.


: "I wake up" and: "I will have a cup of coffee"

Will display as

SETUP: ["I wake up", "I will have a cup of coffee"]



After searching continuously, I found this solution to get the test name. But it doesn't seem to find anything on the when and then labels. So far so good.

import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.rules.TestName

class MySpec extends Specification {
 @Rule TestName name = new TestName()

 def "some test"() {
    expect: name.methodName == "some test"




You can get the name of each function method by doing the following:

import spock.lang.Specification
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.rules.TestName
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

class MySpec extends Specification{
    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClassName.class)
    @Rule TestName testName = new TestName()

    void setup(){
       def featureMethodName = testName.methodName"feature method : " + featureMethodName)




Maybe you should take a look at Spock Reporting Extension



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