Search for a product with SKU in the wp e commerce admin panel

I want to search for a product using the SKU in the admin panel and I am using the WP E Commerce plugin. I have searched a lot of things on google but could not find the exact solution how to change the search query so I can infect any product from it with the SKU.

Can anyone tell me how I can search or which file should I make changes and what changes so that I can get the desired result.

Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

WP e-Commerce does not currently have this feature. You can use the WooCommerce plugin for your site.

While researching, I found that WooCommerce executes the following query when searching for sku = 55

SELECT post_id FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key='_sku' AND meta_value LIKE '%55%';


But WP ecommerce doesn't do that. You can add a request to your support forum if you like.



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