Invalid parsing of System.Uri under NUnit
Reproduced under ReSharper, from GUI-Runner, from NUnit-Console
Win 7 Pro, all updates, Ru-ru locale - reproduced
Win Server 2012, all En-us locale updates - reproduced
Try the following:
[TestFixture(Description = "Uri .ctors under Nunit must work exactly as no under Nunit")]
public class InvalidUriCtorUnderNnit
public void PathsWithDotsMustBeParsedWell()
const string urlWithDots = "";
Assert.AreEqual(urlWithDots, new Uri(urlWithDots).ToString());
Expected :
Uri not changed and " " is returned
Trimmed " " returned
It is broken and the trimmed Uri does not match the resource requested
This behavior has never occurred in production and cannot be caught except by performing a NUNIT.
We compared all the loaded versions of assemblies and the codebase - everything exactly coincided with the production
Tested the internet for this problem - nothing
Wish you can reproduce.
NUnit versions 2.6.2 and 2.6.3 have the same behavior.
Have posted us the issue
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