Visual Studio 2013 crash with exception - exception was thrown by taskcheduler

Visual Studio 2013 Crash With Exception - Exception was thrown by taskcheduler.

I can't seem to solve this problem, but couldn't get any useful information about it.

Need help fixing it.


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2 answers

I couldn't even uninstall / repair Visual Studio. When I clicked on Visual Studio from Control Panel, even the uninstall wizard didn't appear.

Solution that worked for me: When I saw GAC_MSIL, many dlls were missing, then I copied System.dll, System.Core.dll and System.Reflection.dll to GAC_MSIL. After copying these dlls from Control Panel, uninstall wizard started and then I repaired VS 2013. Then it worked.

I also saw such a crash in one of my VMs, in this scenario I copied the above DLL and VS started working.



many times when we update our .NET Framework this issue occurs. Check if you update your .NET Framework version, then uninstall it and restore visual studio.



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