C # - Getting string from BSTR *

In an AC # application, I am working on using the API to output customer information and trying to get the user's email address string - the API documentation states that I can call the following on an object to pull back the note string (the email address could be obtained from this function only)

HRESULT NoteField( [in] BSTR bstrFieldName, [out, retval] BSTR *pNoteField);


However, when I call this in C #, I return an empty string

string email = object.NoteField["Email"]


How can I get the value?


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2 answers

Unmanaged BSTR*

and managed string

are not the same thing. You need to convert between them.

Marshal.PtrToStringBSTR and Marshal.StringToBSTR should do what you want. Something like:

IntPtr inPtr = Marshal.StringToBSTR("Email");
IntPtr outPtr = object.NoteField[inPtr];
// or you may need to do this
// IntPtr outPtr;
// object.NoteField(inPtr, out outPtr);

string email = Marshal.PtrToStringBSTR(outPtr);




This worked for me

string s1 = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)outPtr);




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