How to use arquillian for integration tests with multiple maven modules

I have several maven modules: DBLayer (contains all entities), UserManagement (user management services), WebApp

To set up testing, I need to understand how to structure everything.

I want to test every module in an embedded container. As you all know, in each module I have a test folder where I put my test classes. Do I have to install ShrinkWrap on every test class of the unit (the code that prepares the inline container for testing), or is it only necessary in the webapp?

I also have arkil dependencies in each module of the pom file. Is there a better way to add these dependencies?

Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

I want to test each module in an inline container (...)

If you are considering an inline container, please see this answer .
Dan Allen explains this in detail in his short article The Dangers of Embedded Containers . Please take a look at this.

It looks to me like you are using maven, followed by the following answer , which might be helpful in terms of separating integration tests from unit tests.
In short: stick with maven conventions (just list your integration tests with a suffix *IT

for example

) and let it maven-failsafe-plugin

do its job.

Do I have to install ShrinkWrap on each test class of the unit (the code that prepares the built-in container for testing), or is it only necessary in the webapp?

Unfortunately yes. This is because you can prepare a different deployment for each test class. But the disadvantages are obvious:

  • Typically a repetitive deployment setup.
  • Slower test execution (there is a new deployment operation for each test case)

Fortunately , there is an Arquillian Suite Extension that allows you to achieve this. The extension makes all classes in TestSuite run from the same DeploymentScenario

But as far as I know, this is a more complex topic than meets the eye - just keep in mind that this extension (albeit extremely useful) may not work with some other Arcillian extensions.

I also have arkil dependencies in each module of the pom file. Is there a better way to add these dependencies?

Your intuition is correct :) Yes, there are better ways.
Personally, I would recommend keeping the arquillian dependency only in the parent pom.xml

file, then all submodules would inherit this dependency.



All in all, be sure to read Getting Started with the Arquillian guide .

Good luck.



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