Full alias for table columns in ActiveRecord

I need something like alias_attribute

to create a complete alias for a column from the DB. For example, I have a table with many columns named UGLYCOLUMN


Using this in a query is very inconvenient:

MyModel.where('UglyColumn'.upcase => 'value')


I need something like:

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  awesome_alias_attribute {'UGLYCOLUMN' => :pretty_column, ...}


And then use MyModel.where(pretty_column: 'value')

instead MyModel.where('UglyColumn'.upcase => 'value')


Also, it should work for a complex query MyModel.joins(:other_relation).where(my_models: {pretty_column: 'value'})

, etc.

Ideally, it should work with all ActiveRecord methods and properties. That is, if I first create an alias for the primary key awesome_alias_attribute :UGLYPRIMARYKEY, :id

, then I want to say self.primary_key = :id

and profit.


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