DataTables: Show action button based on request

I have jquery DataTables to display data via an ajax call. Everything loads nicely and in the last column I added an action button which will add data to another db.
But I can't figure out how to solve one thing:
When the button was clicked and the system added row data to another db, I don't want to show the button again on reload.
I have a figure that I need of course the id of all the rows in my add-to-db, so I made a db query returning all the row ids that were added, but how can I check the id corresponding to the row in my table, and then not showing button for row in dataTables?
Below you can see how I set up my DataTable:

var table = $('#user-table').DataTable({
    "destroy": true,
    "processing": false,
    "serverSide": false,
    "ajax": {
            "url": "myAjaxCall",
            "dataType": "json",
            "data": JSON.stringify(data()),
            "type": "GET",
            "dataSrc": "collection"
    "columns": [
        {"data": "customerNumber"},
        {"data": "name"},
        {"data": "coNumber"},
        {"data": "city"},
        {"data": "email"},
        {"data": "balance"},
        {"data": null,
            "defaultContent": "<a href='#' class='myButton btn'>Add</a>",
            className: "center", "bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false}


I might really need help with this - first time with dataTables - I love it, but just need to get it to the finish line :-)


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2 answers

You can use the rowCallback function.

var arrayOfAlreadyAddedRows = [1,5,7];  //Here is array you made from db.

"rowCallback": function( row, data ) {
    // I assume in your data you have a rowId column.

    if ( $.inArray(data.rowId, arrayOfAlreadyAddedRows ) !== -1 ) {
        $(row).find('td:eq(6)').html( "<a href='#' class='myButton btn'>Add</a>");
       $(row).find('td:eq(6)').html("<b>Already added</b>");


or you have already marked the added row in your table data. something like a column named "added" with a yes / no / value

"rowCallback": function( row, data ) {
    if (data.added === "yes") {
        $(row).find('td:eq(6)').html("<a href='#' class='myButton btn'>Add</a>");
        $(row).find('td:eq(6)').html("<b>Already added</b>");




You can simply use the render function on your button; just add defence columnDefs to the DataTable initialization:

This allows you to make logical decisions before elements are rendered.

var table = $('#user-table').DataTable({ 
         "columnDefs": [
           // The `data` parameter refers to the data for the cell (defined by the
           // `data` option, which defaults to the column being worked with, in
           // this case `data: 6`.
           "render": function ( data, type, row ) {
            //in here you should check if your button was clicked - if the id matches the id of a button     that was already  clicked - if that the case just return an empty string otherwhise return a button:
            if(buttonClicked) //you need to write that logic obviously
                return "";
            }else {
                return "<a href='#' class='myButton btn'>Add</a>";

             "targets": 6 //adjust as needed




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