An ambiguous method when testing

I am trying to test a method calculate

from MyClass


// TestClass {
public void testCalculate() {
    MyClass tester = new MyClass();
    assertEquals((long)123, tester.calculate().get(5));

// MyClass
public ArrayList<Long> calculate() {} // signature


Unfortunately I am getting the following error:

The method assertEquals(Object, Object) is ambiguous for the type TestClass


What am I doing wrong? The return type calculate

is ArrayList

with long

-values ​​and I expect the long

number 123.

When I do the following it works:

// TestClass {
public void testCalculate() {
    MyClass tester = new MyClass();
    ArrayList<Long> arr = new ArrayList<Long>();
    arr.add((long) 123);
    assertEquals(arr.get(0), tester.calculate().get(5));



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1 answer

You assertEquals

have one type argument long

and another type in your call long

. Use one of the following:

assertEquals(Long.valueOf(123L), tester.calculate().get(5));



assertEquals(123L, tester.calculate().get(5).longValue());


(I suggest using a long

literal 123L

rather than a long

literal listing int




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