Regularly match alphanumeric characters with a possible dash in the middle only

I managed to get this far:



but the above expression does not limit the length as I need it. I need a pattern that only matches 5-6 characters. So, this is how it should turn out:

safety        (valid)
safet-        (invalid)
s-a-fe        (valid)
-safet        (invalid)
s7-45         (valid)
s--fs         (invalid)


Consecutive hyphens are not valid. Invalid leading and trailing dashes. The total length, including any hyphens, must be 5-6 characters. I tried to replace my with +

ranges ( {5,6}

) but no luck. I appreciate any help.

Another route I tried was:



which seems nice and efficient, but it allows for sequential hyphens.


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2 answers

Use a pointer in the first to indicate the number of characters that will be allowed.








Try it. Check out the demo.



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