Get the time between when an incoming call is connected to the carrier and when the call is answered by Twilio

Is there a way to get the time between when an incoming call connects to the carrier and when Twilio answers it?

This is how I understand the flow for an upcoming call through the Twilio system:

  • Caller dials "Twilio"
  • Caller operator connects call to Twilio
  • Twilio connects to my application to request instructions
  • My app tells Twilio to call the called party's phone
  • Twilio connects to the caller
  • The call operator discovers the phone (if it is a mobile phone)
  • When the caller finds the phone, the called party's phone starts ringing
  • The responder answers the phone or calls going to voicemail, either way the call was "answered"
  • Twilio detects that the call has been answered

Is there a way to get the time delta between # 5 and # 9?


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1 answer

The Tvili evangelist is here.

The result is simply not. This data is not exposed through the Twilio API ( see the REST docs for calling ). Is there a specific reason why you need this data?



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