How to enable stereo recording on tablets / smartphones giving only mono but having two internal microphones?

Until now I thought it was a firmware bug, but now I found a 2nd device with two built-in mic capsules but only gives a mono signal (the first was S2 Plus GT-I9105P with Android 4.1.2 and now HTC One M7 , Nexus 10 running Android 4.4.2 only has one microphone).

I tested with:

bufSize = AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(44100, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT);
ar = new AudioRecord(source, 44100, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, bufSize);


and set source

according to How to avoid automatic gain control with AudioRecord?

I also tested some applications if they could create true stereo recordings but couldn't find any (I tested standard camera / camcorder, Audiorecorder and RecForge Lite).

So my question is, how to enable stereo recording on tablets / smartphones, second only to mono, but having two internal microphones?

Add to the question if there is no way to achieve real stereo recordings: could you name other devices with two internal microphones, but only with mono recording capability?

Is there any API or trick to find out programmatically?


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1 answer

See what worked for me in Motorola Moto G. I realize it is very vendor / model dependent, but I tried many combinations until I found that with only 48000Hz I get stereo recording on this particular phone:

Record stereo sound with Motorola Moto G (or Moto X)



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