Raise TypeError for invalid input value in class

I am trying to write class

, and I want that if the initial input values ​​for a class are not obeying certain types, this would throw an exception. For example, I would use except TypeError

to return an error. I don't know how this should be done. My first attempt at writing the class


class calibration(object):
      def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, calibration_info, interpolations=2):
          except TypeError



I would like if the value is inputs

not a string it throws an error message. I would appreciate any help.


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1 answer

Its slightly different between 2.x and 3.x, but use isinstance to determine the type and then throw an exception if you are not satisfied.

class calibration(object):
    def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, calibration_info, interpolations=2):
        if not isinstance(inputs, basestring):
            raise TypeError("input must be a string")


Python2 distinguishes between ascii and unicode strings - "basestring" swaps both of them. There are only unicode strings in python3 and you are using 'str' instead.



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