Google Glass Launcher Icon Size

I am developing android app for google glass using gdk. I found that the app picks up the ic_launcher icon from the hdpi folder, that is, the 72x72 px icon.

I want to know what is the recommended icon size for Google Glass apps?

Recommended icon sizes (72x72,96x96 ... etc.) and folder (hdpi, mdpi, etc.) for menus, submenus, activity, timeline icons are also indicated.


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3 answers

I finally found a list of icon sizes.



Here is the solution ...

xxhdpi: 144x144 px

xhdpi: 96x96 px

hdpi: 72x72 px

mdpi: 48x48 px

ldpi: 36x36 px

More information about iconography is needed ...

As for the glass, I think providing the hdpi icon is enough



Here's a short list of specifications to help you design:

Screen aspect ratio
Screen resolution
    640 x 360 pixels
Share contact icon size
    640 x 360 pixels
Menu option icon size
    50 x 50 pixels
Supported media format
    Container: MP4
    Video: H.264 baseline and H.263 baseline
    Audio: AAC and MP3




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