Google Glass Timeline actions: what are the icon sizes?

What are the dimensions of the inline icon images specified in "iconUrl" for a custom timeline action?

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3 answers

The menuItems icon should be 50 x 50 pixels and white on transparent according to our User Guides documentation :

Follow these guidelines when designing your menu:

  • If you specify an icon, use a 50x50 pixel image.
  • Limit display names to a few words, if possible.
  • Use the default icons and display name for inline menu items unless you are using the menu item for something else entirely.


Here's a short list of specifications to help you design:

Screen aspect ratio
Screen resolution
    640 x 360 pixels
Share contact icon size
    640 x 360 pixels
Menu option icon size
    50 x 50 pixels
Supported media format
    Container: MP4
    Video: H.264 baseline and H.263 baseline
    Audio: AAC and MP3





This is the default CSS stylesheet used by timers:

It contains the sizes of all elements that can be used in a timecard.



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