How many parameters are available for varargs object in java?

I am interested to know how many parameters you can pass using the varargs facility in Java.

Is there a JVM or memory limit? As far as I understand, varargs is implemented as an array, so the limit is determined by the amount of memory. Is it correct?


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3 answers

Yes there is. Try to allocate memory that is larger than your Pergemn memory that is throwing away OutOfMemory


Note that there is no information about array or varargs here. You are free to use your memory under the memory you allocated.

I hope this is just for teaching and not for using these many in your application.



Varargs is syntactic sugar for an on-the-fly array that is large enough to fit the encoded elements.

The limit will then be the size of the array, which is 2 31 (i.e. large).

Considering the size is determined by the actual number of parameters encoded, you never have to worry about that.

A quick test confirms that the normal method parameter 255 does not apply to individual varargs.



There is no explicit limit to the number of arguments for the arity variable. However, the size of the method is limited. It should not exceed 65535 byte codes .

When javac

compiles the call to the arity variable method, it creates and populates the array using a template like:

+0: dup
+1: bipush <index> (or sipush if index > 127)
+3: iconst_0
+4: iastore
+5: dup


So, filling one element of the array takes 5 or 6 byte codes.
This means that you can actually call the method with just over 10K arguments .



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