Change iOS Simulator Keyboard Layout to Match Macbook Keyboard

I have a Macbook with an Azerty (French) keyboard. Whenever I run the iOS simulator, the default keyboard layout is Qwerty (Dutch), so when I type my macbook's hardware keyboard, some keys (A, Z, M, ...) do not match. Installation Hardware > Keyboard > iOS Uses Same Layout

as OSX is enabled. I know how to change the keyboard settings when going to the Settings app on the simulator, but the setting is forgotten every time the simulator is restarted (which happens very often when switching between different simulators), so this is a real PITA. Is there a way to fix this?


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1 answer

"iOS Uses Same Layout" is not very accurate as there is no real way to perfectly proxy a layout between two very different (at this stack level) systems. It uses "best guess" and tells iOS to switch to a keyboard related to your primary keyboard language.

If you switch between French / Azeri and Dutch / Qwerty, the simulator will say the posted version "French" and "English". You need to select "Azerty" as your French layout and Qwerty as your Dutch layout with iOS keyboard preferences (per device).



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