Library import problem in Intelij Idea and Play Framework
I have a project that was using Play Framework 2.3.4 and Slick 2.1.0. Intelij Idea version is 13.1.4, with Scala and Play 2.0 plugins installed.
When I try to import the database driver
import play.api.db.slick.Config.driver.simple._
Idea writes to me that this import is wrong and they cannot solve it. But if I run the application, they compile and execute correctly.
Does anyone know how to fix the import of Idea? Because without it, features like AutoCorrect won't work.
Arthur Kushka
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1 answer
I found a solution to this problem:
- Compile playback project via terminal
- In Intelij Idea use "Cache Invalidating" (File-> Invalidate cache / Restart-> Invalidate and restart)
- Wait for Idea to restart and index the project.
- Profit
Arthur Kushka
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