Live Stream using .m3u8 and .ts files with iPhone as server
I am trying to do a task of live streaming from an iPhone camera. I did some research and found that I can use files .m3u8
for live streaming video, which should contain the files ts(Mpeg-2)
Now the file I have on my iPhone is a .mp4
file and it doesn't work with .m3u8, so I figured I would have to convert to .mp4
in .ts
order to do this, but I failed in doing so.
I found that it is possible to convert ffmpeg lib video as mentioned in this article here . I imported the library successfully ffmpeg
, but couldn't figure out how I can use it to convert the video as I am using this for the first time.
One more thing apple documentation says
There are a number of hardware and software encoders that can create MPEG-2 Transport Streams with MPEG-4 video and AAC audio in real time.
What does it say here? is there any other way i can use .mp4 files for live streaming without converting them from iOS?
Let me know if I don't understand, I can provide more information. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated. I would like to know if I am on the right track here?
I am adding more information to my question, so basically what I'm asking is, we can convert .mp4 video to .ts using the following command
ffmpeg -i file.mp4 -acodec libfaac -vcodec libx264 -an -map 0 -f segment -segment_time 10 -segment_list test.m3u8 -segment_format mpegts -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -flags -global_header stream%05d.ts
How can I use ffmpeg library to execute this command in iOS.
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