Glassfish Netbeans Attach to localhost "Connection refused"

I have no idea why this started and because of this I am not sure what to check. Whenever I want to debug some Java code, I get:

Joining localhost: 9009 Connection refused.

They are glass fish and pure beans. This Chrome device is now connected. Unfortunately, it won't stop at any of my breakpoints now. Fantastic.

The last thing I tried to do was move some hibernate config from .hbm.xml to annotations and it ended up hurting more than it was worth.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can debug this? I have another project in Netbeans that also suffers from the same problem. I tried to restart my computer and all firewalls are disabled.


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1 answer

  • Open the Glassfish Admin Console in your browser ( http: // localhost: 4848 )
  • Click Configs -> server-config -> JVM Settings .
  • Set Debug Options : -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=9009

  • Make sure Debug is checked .
  • Click Save .
  • Reboot the server.

Try to debug again.

For some reason, he didn't uncheck the box.



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