Previous zypper service pack (not latest)

How can I update (not install) the pmc-rpm package from the myRepo repository to version 10.3.3-1 (but not the latest!) On the SUSE 10.1 command line (zypper)?

So I usually update the package, but this time I need to install the previous package and then the next and the next and then the last.

zypper update -t package pmc-rpm



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2 answers

So, you can also use the install option to update the package .

  • List of all packages in your repository

    zypper pa -ir repository

  • Then select the version you want

    zypper to pmc-rpm = 10.1.3-1

Thanks guys!



With a newer version of zypper, you can:

zypper pa -ir repo-name
zypper install --oldpackage package-name-x.x.x.x-x.x86_64


eg. using Skypeforlinux:

zypper pa -ir skype-stable
zypper install --oldpackage skypeforlinux-




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