Can't get desired result from MySQL query

I am trying to write a query in MySQL with output in PHP, but it is quite complicated.

I have a table with 3 columns (yes, I know the database layout is not the best for this, but I cannot change that, the client has other software using this db with this exact location)

Amount - Product - Package 
2      - Apple   - Fruitbasket1
1      - Pear    - Fruitbasket1
5      - Grape   - Fruitbasket1
2      - Apple   - Fruitbasket2
1      - Pear    - Fruitbasket2
9      - Banana  - Fruitbasket2


So far I have come up with this:

SELECT package 
FROM `data` 
WHERE package IN 
  SELECT package 
  FROM `data` 
  WHERE product = 'apple' AND amount = '2'
AND package IN 
  SELECT package 
  FROM `data` 
  WHERE product = 'pear' AND amount ='1'
AND package IN 
  SELECT package 
  FROM `data` 
  WHERE product = 'grape' AND amount = '5'


The problem is that when the customer fills in "apple" and "2" in the form, he will return all baskets containing 2 apples. I need an expression that will only accept exact products and their amounts in order to return one basket that these ingredients belong to, or nothing at all.

So, although 1 pear and 2 apples are in Fruitbasket1, it should not result in Fruitbasket1 unless the other part, namely 5 grapes, is specified by the client.


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2 answers

this query will return all packages where the only product is 2 Apples

select package from `data`
group by package
having count(case when amount = 2 and product = 'Apple' then 1 end) = 1
and count(*) = 1


if you want 1 pear and 2 apples for example

select package from `data`
group by package
having count(
    when (amount = 2 and product = 'Apple') or (amount = 1 and product = 'Pear') 
    then 1 
  end) = 2
and count(*) = 2


you can also write this as

select package from `data`
group by package
having count(case when amount = 2 and product = 'Apple' then 1 end) = 1
   and count(case when amount = 1 and product = 'Pear' then 1 end) = 1
   and count(*) = 2




I only have Oracle, so you might have to tweak the syntax a bit, but after your original style, I added a "not in" section to make sure the basket contains only the fruits you are looking for. Here are some boxes with some examples:

create table data (amount integer, product varchar(12), package varchar(16));

insert into data values (2, 'Apple', 'Fruitbasket1');
insert into data values (1, 'Pear', 'Fruitbasket1');
insert into data values (5, 'Grape', 'Fruitbasket1');
insert into data values (2, 'Apple', 'Fruitbasket2');
insert into data values (1, 'Pear', 'Fruitbasket2');
insert into data values (9, 'Banana', 'Fruitbasket2');
insert into data values (2, 'Apple', 'Fruitbasket3');
insert into data values (2, 'Apple', 'Fruitbasket4');
insert into data values (1, 'Pear', 'Fruitbasket4');

SELECT package 
FROM data 
WHERE package IN 
  SELECT package 
  from data 
  WHERE product = 'Apple' AND amount = '2'
and package not in
  SELECT package 
  from data 
  WHERE product <> 'Apple'
group by package

SELECT package 
FROM data 
WHERE package IN 
  SELECT package 
  from data 
  WHERE product = 'Apple' AND amount = '2'
AND package IN 
  SELECT package 
  FROM data 
  WHERE product = 'Pear' AND amount ='1'
and package not in
  SELECT package 
  from data 
  WHERE product <> 'Apple' and product <> 'Pear'
group by package




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