Wordpress WooCommerce displays a nested product category for a single product

I have a Wordpress WooCommerce site that sells auto parts. For each part (product), I have created unique product categories that I can assign to the part. So, for example, the headlight (part) can be from a 3-door 1999 Blue Alfa Romeo 156 1.1 Petrol Engines Manual.

On a separate product page, I want to display a nested list of only the product categories associated with that part. So when I mark a part, I will have a nested view like the image below. enter image description here

However, my current code below the second image displays all product categories that have a part associated with it, including THIS part. As you can see in the second image below, I have many other parts assigned to a different car and they are all displayed for THIS part. I want THIS part to appear in the product categories associated with that part. Thus, only Alfa Romeo should be displayed in the "Make" section - not all other product categories that have parts, regardless of whether they are marked in that part. enter image description here

Can anyone please help?

Current code

    $woocCategoryTerms = get_terms('product_cat', array(
        'order'        => 'ASC',
        'hide_empty'   => true,  // (boolean) 
        'parent'       => 0,     // (integer) Get direct children of this term (only terms whose explicit parent is this value). If 0 is passed, only top-level terms are returned. Default is an empty string.
        'hierarchical' => true,  // (boolean) Whether to include terms that have non-empty descendants (even if 'hide_empty' is set to true).

    foreach($woocCategoryTerms as $wooCategoryTerm) : 
                <a href="<?php echo get_term_link( $wooCategoryTerm -> slug, $wooCategoryTerm -> taxonomy ); ?>">
                        echo $wooCategoryTerm -> name; 
                <ul class="wsubcategs">
                        $wooSubArgs = array(
                            'hierarchical' => true,
                            'hide_empty' => true,
                            'parent' => $wooCategoryTerm -> term_id,
                            'taxonomy' => 'product_cat'

                        $wooSubCategories = get_categories($wooSubArgs);

                        foreach ($wooSubCategories as $wooSubCategory):
                                <a href="<?php echo get_term_link( $wooSubCategory -> slug, $wooSubCategory -> taxonomy );?>">
                                        echo $wooSubCategory -> name;



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1 answer


returns all terms for a particular taxonomy, not a post. You have a few options here, but I like to use wp_list_categories

its flexibility. It not only works with assemblies in categories, but also with custom taxonomies

Here is an example from codex

$taxonomy = 'category'; //change to your taxonomy name

// get the term IDs assigned to post.
$post_terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy, array( 'fields' => 'ids' ) );
// separator between links
$separator = ', ';

if ( !empty( $post_terms ) && !is_wp_error( $post_terms ) ) {

    $term_ids = implode( ',' , $post_terms );
$terms = wp_list_categories( 'title_li=&style=none&echo=0&taxonomy=' . $taxonomy . '&include=' . $term_ids );
$terms = rtrim( trim(  str_replace( '<br />',  $separator, $terms ) ), $separator );

// display post categories
echo  $terms;


You can also use get_the_terms



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