What "diagnosticics.wadcfg" is used?

I am looking into configuring diagnostics in Microsoft Azure. To set up diagnostics, we can use visual studio as suggested in this MSDN article . And any changes we make are all saved in the "diagnostics.wadcfg" file, which is present in a role in the cloud project.

We can also add our own "diagnostics.wadcfg" file to the root folder of our worker role. And add config settings to it. As suggested in these articles [1] and [2] .

enter image description here

Can someone tell me what is the difference between the "diagnostics.wadcfg" files present in both places and where there is priority.


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2 answers

Interest Ask!!! Just out of curiosity, I tried this, and this is what I found: Basically, if you have a diagnostics.wadcfg file in both places, the file in the project root folder is ignored and the diagnostics.wadcfg file under your role is used. In fact, I don't think you can even delete this file without changing the build target, since this file is copied as part of the build process.

Here's another interesting article you might find useful: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn205146.aspx .



Gaurav's answer is correct for the question asked and I supported it. But I wanted to add some additional information that might help you make a decision. You are configuring Windows Azure Diagnostics (WAD) 1.0, which has been around since the beginning of Azure. There is a new version - WAD 1.2 - which is now available and allows you to customize and customize diagnostics after the service is deployed. This new version of WAD provides more control, functionality and easier configuration settings. Visual Studio will provide an interface for WAD 1.2 in the next 1 or 2 Azure SDK releases, but for now you can use the information http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/cloud-services-dotnet-diagnostics/ to use WAD 1.2.



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