Apache camel how to log route
When an Exception occurs in a route and is not caught by the exception manager, the route data is displayed, helping a lot to know what could have gone wrong.
When an exception is caught and managed, how can you have the same log?
I would have preferred to have something "callable" from the java part, for example in the processor, but something dsl style could be done as well.
Route logs usually look like this:
Message History
RouteId ProcessorId Processor Elapsed (ms)
[route1 ] [cxf_process ] [cxfrs://bean:myServer?bindingStyle=SimpleConsumer ] [ 60029]
[route1 ] [to55 ] [direct:validateAndRedirect ] [ 60029]
[route27 ] [setProperty37 ] [setProperty[operationName] ] [ 0]
[route27 ] [setProperty38 ] [setProperty[Country] ] [ 0]
[route27 ] [setProperty39 ] [setProperty[Language] ] [ 0]
[route27 ] [process25 ] [my.package.ExtractUserMailProcessor@535f9aac ] [ 0]
[route27 ] [enrich25 ] [enrich[direct:checkAccess] ] [ 0]
[route27 ] [recipientList1 ] [recipientList[simple{Simple: direct:${property.operationName}}] ] [ 60029]
[route28 ] [setHeader84 ] [setHeader[CamelCxfRsUsingHttpAPI] ] [ 0]
[route28 ] [setHeader85 ] [setHeader[CamelHttpPath] ] [ 0]
[route28 ] [setHeader86 ] [setHeader[CamelHttpMethod] ] [ 1]
[route28 ] [setHeader87 ] [setHeader[Content-Type] ] [ 0]
[route28 ] [enrich9 ] [enrich[direct:wsClient] ] [ 60029]
[route7 ] [to7 ] [cxfrs:bean:myClient ] [ 60027]
thanks in advance,
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This is a message history EIP template
This page details this and how you can access the story yourself. org.apache.camel.util.MessageHelper#dumpMessageHistoryStacktrace
is what Camel uses to output this table you see above.
But as Konstantin wrote, you access history from Java code like this
List<MessageHistory> list = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.MESSAGE_HISTORY, List.class);
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