Save url ui-router

I have a web application with an entry point to another application. This way, by the time the user gets to my application, they have some parameters in the url:

In my application, I have 3-4 tabs, each of which is its own state and is accessed with ui-sref="state"

The problem is that when I switch to any of these states, I lose the options that the user came with originally.

In a nutshell, I want


when switching states.

I'm not sure how to install this ... Thanks!


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2 answers

inside your angular app function .run()

you can do this: (you will need DI $rootScope

and $location


    var locationSearch;

    $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
        //save so we can add it back after transition is done
        locationSearch = $;

    $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
        //restore all query string parameters back to $




Setting $ only works when you stay in the same window. To bind all links, you need to manually extend the ui-sref to include url parameters. Your links can now be "Open in New Tab" and save options. This code also includes a kludge to convert ~ 2F and% 2F to /, so your links stay the same. For this:

.run(function ($rootScope, $state, $location ) {
  // Url parameters
  var locationSearch = $;
  // Set param1 
  $ = {};
  $ = _url_decode_slash(locationSearch.param1);

  // Hack to decode URL params with Slash (/)
  function _url_decode_slash (param) {
      if (!param) return param;
      param = param.replace(/~2F/g, "/"); // Replace all '~2F' to /
      param = param.replace(/%2F/g, "/"); // Replace all '%2F' to /
      return param;


Then in your index.html

<a ui-sref="request.add( {param1: site.param1 } )" >




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