Colors in the legend do not match the plot

I need to build several Maclaurin series and I am having legend issues.

For these two equations -

x = (-1:.01:1);

% e^x
eqtn21 = 1; 
eqtn22 = 1 + x;
eqtn23 = 1 + x + x.^2/2;
eqtn24 = 1 + x + x.^2/2 + x.^3/6;
eqtn25 = exp(x);

% cos(x)
eqtn31 = 1;
eqtn32 = 1 - x.^2/2;
eqtn33 = 1 - x.^2/2 + x.^4/24;
eqtn34 = 1 - x.^2/2 + x.^4/24 - x.^6/720;
eqtn35 = cos(x);

    legend('First Term','First Two Terms','First Three Terms','First Four Terms','Exact Function')

    legend('First Term','First Two Terms','First Three Terms','First Four Terms','Exact Function')


When I draw them, the legend appears but shows 5 red lines and doesn't match the colors in the graph.


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1 answer

The problem is related to eqtn21

and eqtn31

. They have a size of 1, and x

a vector of a different size. When you draw, you need to match their dimensions to size x

if you want to have a constant string (so for all x values, you get 1) oreqtn21 = [1 1 1 1 ... 1];

An easy way to do this is to write eqtn21 = 1+0*x;

, etc. Other ways to do this can be modified eqtn21

with repmat

or by matrix multiplication, etc ...

eqtn21=repmat(1,[1 numel(x)])








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