Get a list of axis ticks with final formatting applied

How do I get a formatted list of tick values ​​from D3 as they will appear when the axis is rendered?

For example:

var x = d3.scale.linear()
    .domain([0, 0.061])

var xaxis = d3.svg.axis()

console.log(x.ticks()); // [0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.025, 0.035...
console.log(xaxis.ticks()); //[10]


But I really want something like:

["0.0%", "0.5%", "1.0%", "1.5%", "2.0%", "2.5%", "3.0%", "3.5%", "4.0%", 4.5% ", "5.0%", "5.5%", "6.0%", "6.5%"]


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1 answer

This approach seems to work:

x.ticks().map(function(t) { return xaxis.tickFormat()(t); })


But this is a pretty painful syntax. If anyone knows a better answer using built in methods please post it.

This looked promising:



But it seems like it is only meant to pass values to . If you call with no parameters, it returns null.



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