How to calculate the overall Elo rating?

I am working on a site that shows a staircase as shown below. I can get the information as the top two lines, but not the last estimate Overall

(Elo of 1927). I tried the middle method, but it gives lower results and they seem inaccurate.

So how can this be done, does anyone know of any formula that I can use to achieve this?

Below is the Voobly data .

Ladder Statistics
Game ______________ Ladder __________ Rating ____ Wins __ Losses ___ Streak
AoE III: Vanilla __ 1v1 Supremacy ___ 1811 ______ 52 ____ 20 _______ 4
AoE III: Vanilla __ TGSupremacy _____ 1716 ______ 17 ____ 3 ________ 2
AoE III: Vanilla __ Overall _________ 1927 ______ 69 ____ 23 _______ 0



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1 answer

While this may not be how ELO works accurately, one valid way to create rating systems is to give you a maximum (1, (the other rating is your rating) / 25 + 16) when you beat others, and also dock that number of points. from another after they have lost you. New users will start with a rating of 1200. (This is how chess ratings are ranked.)



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