Should Chisel generate testlench verilog logic?

I have the following test code and call chiseMain with --genHarness. Verilog is created for the wire harness, but it doesn't have any logic from the Tester class. Any thoughts on why I am not getting the logic I expect? I am using Chisel 2.10.


class TestMultiPortedMem(c: MultiPortedMem) extends Tester(c) {
  var i = 0

  // Write address as data                                                                                    
  for (p <- {
    poke(p.wen, 1)
    poke(p.addr, i)
    poke(p.wdata, i)
    i = i + 1

  // Read it back                                                                                             
  i = 0
  for (p <- {
    poke(p.addr, i)
    expect(p.rdata, i)
    i = i + 1

object TestMem {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    //chiselMainTest(Array[String]("--backend", "v", "--genHarness"),                                         
      () => Module(new MultiPortedMem(1,1,1,128,32))){c => new TestMultiPortedMem(c)}


Generated by Verilog:

module test;                                                                                                  
  reg [0:0] io_enable;                                                                                        
  reg [6:0] io_rports_0_addr;                                                                                 
  reg [31:0] io_wports_0_wdata;                                                                               
  reg [6:0] io_wports_0_addr;                                                                                 
  reg [0:0] io_wports_0_wen;                                                                                  
  reg [6:0] io_rwports_0_addr;                                                                                
  reg [31:0] io_rwports_0_wdata;                                                                              
  reg [0:0] io_rwports_0_wen;                                                                                 
  wire [31:0] io_rports_0_rdata;                                                                              
  wire [31:0] io_rwports_0_rdata;                                                                             
  reg clk = 0;                                                                                                
  parameter clk_length = `CLOCK_PERIOD;                                                                       
  always #clk_length clk = ~clk;                                                                              
  /*** DUT instantiation ***/                                                                                 

  /*** resets &&  VCD / VPD dumps ***/                                                                        
  initial begin                                                                                               

  task check_value;                                                                                           
    input [255:0] data;                                                                                       
    input [255:0] expected;                                                                                   
      if (data == expected)                                                                                   


  always @(posedge clk) begin                                                                                 
      $display("MultiPortedMem.io_rwports_0_rdata: 0x%x,  MultiPortedMem.io_rports_0_rdata: 0x%x, ", io_rports_0_rdata, io_rwports_0_rdata);                                                                                   




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1 answer

The 2.10 drill bit is too large to support the option --genHarness

. Since this is a feature still in development, there is no invalid flag warning. You want to use Chisel 2.18 to get the correct behavior from --genHarness


A new release on Sonatype is coming soon, leading to numbered releases to the current state of the head of the master Git master.

In general, however, the parameter --genHarness

does not support generator logic, which acts as a tester. Instead, it generates a Verilog test bench that uses encoded command line inputs that allow simulation values ​​for top-level I / O and state elements to be changed.

This generated tester is run in the VCS process generated by the bit tester, which then sends commands peek

, poke

and step

to the VCS via IPC. Since the testbench created with --genHarness

is designed to accept these inputs, the Verilog instance of the object under test can be tested in the same way as it would when simulating C ++.

While it is theoretically possible to have a framework for creating standalone Verilog testers encoding some logic in an Tester

-extension class , this would require embedding the behavior of a Scala program in Verilog simulations, which is a significantly more rigid solution than the existing use of IPC for --genHarness




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